Heart Attack

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Heart disease affects millions of individuals across India. By 2025, it is thought that about 30% of the people in India will have coronary artery disease.

Unfortunately, heart disease is not just a disease of the middle-aged and elderly anymore; it is now affecting the younger population group. Women can also have heart attacks, and the number of them is getting close to that of men.

One reason for the increase in the number of heart attacks is the rising incidence of risk factors, along with a lack of information regarding heart disease. For this reason, we have offered a detailed description of the various aspects of heart attacks, and what you need to know about them.

Click on the links below for more information.

What Is A Heart Attack? Heart attacks can be painful and distressing. Learn more here.
Types Of Heart Attacks: Heart attacks can be of different types. Read more about them here.

Chest pain
Symptoms And Signs: Heart attacks can have different symptoms. Learn about them here.
Flat line alert on heart monitor
Tests And Diagnosis: Heart attacks can be diagnosed with some simple tests. Read more here.

Surgeon Inserting Tube Into Patient During Surgery
Treatment: Treatments for heart attacks are many. Learn about what might be done here.

Complications: A heart attack can have serious complications. Learn about them here.

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