what is the best online medicine delivery service

3 Best Medicine Home Delivery Services

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Buying medicines has become an expensive affair these days. When you doctor writes a prescription, it is normal for patients to visit their favourite pharmacy so that they can pick up the medicines and start treatment.

But sometimes, not every medicine written is available in one shop. Instead, you have to wander around looking for the medicines that have been prescribed.

In the last year or so, a number of online pharmacies have emerged. They have made life a lot more simpler for patients, as prescriptions can be uploaded and medicines delivered to your doorstep.

But that’s not all. A lot of these companies are offering good discounts as well. While most brick and mortar pharmacies offer 10 – 15%, these online pharmacies are offering up to 20 –  25%.

Not many are aware of these online pharmacies, so today we have included a short list of online portals where you can order your medicines and get them delivered to your house.

First, a quick note…..

You have to upload a valid prescription that is still in date. That is the law. If you upload a handwritten note that you have written yourself, then the company will not (and should not) supply the medicines.

Furthermore, all companies must cross check the prescription you have uploaded to the original prescription given by your doctor to check it’s authenticity. Those that do not meet these standards must not be dispensed.

Here are 3 best medicine home delivery services currently available in India.


medlifeMedlife have been offering medicine home delivery for the last year or so, and have rapidly grown. They have an app that allows you to take pictures of your prescription and upload it to their server.

Alternately, you could call them as well.

While they claim to deliver medicines within 24 hours, it is not always the case, specially if you have a large order of medicines (for example, if you are travelling abroad for 6 months). It might take a little longer, and medicines may arrive in batches.buy medicines onlineThe team that packs your medicines consists of qualified pharmacists. Delivery is conducted by trained delivery agents.

Medlife is currently available in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Chennai, Delhi (NCR), Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Mumbai and Varanasi.

You can download the Medlife App here.



The folks at Netmeds offer up to 20% discount on their medicine home delivery service. They supply a wide variety of different products, including personal care goods, wellness products and other health goods.

They always have a number of different offers ongoing, and latest one we have snagged from their site is below.

netmeds-online-pharmacySounds like a good deal right?

The only issue is that delivery takes around 2 days or so. Best to make sure your uploaded prescription is clear so that there is no confusion and delay in delivery.

You can visit Netmeds here.


Okay, so this is not really a place where you can buy medicines. But you can get top quality supplements at great prices here.


HealthKart has numerous products on their site, ranging from Ayurvedic products to multivitamin supplements and proteins.

All their products are quality tested, and various top selling brands are available.

You can visit HealthKart here.

There are other similar sites to HealthKart such as Healthgenie where you can get supplements and health related products.

And let’s not forget Amazon! You can get plenty of health related stuff on Amazon, though medicines are not sold there. Check out their health products here.

And finally – let’s not forget our very own shop that you can visit here.






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