podcasts for health dr vivek baliga

Health Podcasts

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Our health podcasts are aimed at helping you take charge of your health. Every couple of weeks, we will post health podcasts on a commonly encountered health topic that could be of relevance to you.

We hope you like these and look forward to your comments.

#2 – Ways To Keep Your Heart Healthy

In this podcast, I have discussed what common heart ailments people face, and what steps can be taken to lower the risk of developing heart problems. As always, please do leave your comments or question in the comments section and I will answer them to the best of my ability.

Relevant Links

1. Holiday Heart Syndrome – Click here

2. Signs That You Have A Weak Heart – Click here

3. Units Of Alcohol – Click Here

#1 – High Blood Pressure Podcast

In this health podcast, we talk about high blood pressure – a condition which affects millions of people across India and the globe.

Links to relevant articles from this health podcast –

1. High blood pressure – what is it? – Click here

2. Lower blood pressure without medicine – Click here

3. Ambulatory blood pressure testing – Click here


Dr Vivek Baliga B
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7 thoughts on “Health Podcasts”

  1. K Sridhar Rao

    Thank you DoctorBaliga Sr.and Dr. BaligaJr. That was a most useful discussion on hypertension. I enjoy reading and now hearing through podcasts on the various topics you have elaborated on.

    1. Thanks, Dr. Baligas,
      Very Educative Indeed.
      I am one of those under your care and benefitted well.

  2. Fantastic initiative , Doctor….Very useful and Informative..Audio was loud and clear…questions were simple and straightforward…Look forward to more of such podcasts

  3. Thank you Dr.Baliga and Dr.Vivek. That very useful and quite informative about hyper tension.very educative. I received a very good podcast.Thanks a lot. Expecting more like this.

  4. Very nice and informative. Great initiative Vivek..

    Can we include also a hypertensive stage with diabetes..

    Thanks, Murali

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