Lifestyle and Living

whey protein vs soy protein

Whey Protein Vs Soy Protein For Health – Which Is Better?

Whey protein? Soy protein? Which do I choose? Which is better? Choosing the right protein supplement to stay healthy and to build muscle can be a challenging task. There are so many brands on the market that it can be hard to decide what is best for you. But we are not going to talk …

Whey Protein Vs Soy Protein For Health – Which Is Better? Read More »

Alcohol And Your Liver – Understanding Alcoholic Liver Disease

There is a close relationship between alcohol and your liver. Unfortunately, it is not a good one. Actually, it is a complex one. Alcohol is widely available these days, and this has only made health problems from alcohol worse. While alcohol in moderation might be beneficial for the heart, once you cross a limit it …

Alcohol And Your Liver – Understanding Alcoholic Liver Disease Read More »

prevent heat stroke

Prevent Heat Stroke – Keeping Yourself Cool In The Summer

If you are looking for ways to prevent heat stroke, then this article is for you. It is likely that in the coming months, the temperatures in India will soar sky high. In my practice, I have recently  had more people come feeling tired in the last month than I have over the last 2 …

Prevent Heat Stroke – Keeping Yourself Cool In The Summer Read More »

Near Death Experiences – What Happens After We Die?

Near death experiences (NDE) are scary to even think of – particularly the ‘death’ part. The fact that one day our heart will stop beating and our brain will stop functioning is a frightening thought. Death is never a pleasant thing to discuss. We all live this life on earth in a way that enjoy …

Near Death Experiences – What Happens After We Die? Read More »

coffee shop increases productivity

Why Your Local Coffee Shop Might Be The Best Place To Work

Caffeine has probably emerged as the ‘most addictive drug’ over the last few decades, and completely legal of course. I mean, as you are reading this article, there is a chance you are sipping a cup of coffee – either home-made or one from your local coffee shop. In India, coffee shops such as Coffee …

Why Your Local Coffee Shop Might Be The Best Place To Work Read More »